Are you looking for support and network in your career in Denmark?

Welcome to Career Network Denmark, tailored specifically for internationals looking for a career in Denmark. We understand that there are unique challenges you face, from navigating the Danish job market to language and understanding the local work culture.

That is why Career Network Denmark Elevate was established.

Why Join Career Network Denmark Elevate?


  1. Weekly Online Group Coaching: Dive into a mix of Q&A, accountability creation, and networking opportunities. Get your pressing questions answered, share your experiences, and connect with like-minded expats. These meetings take place on Monday evenings at 19.30 (CEST) and last about 1 hour.
  2. Monthly Weekend Q&A and Networking session: Once a month we have an additional Q&A and Network session either on Saturday or Sunday around noon. This gives you another opportunity to network and ask your questions outside of the normal Monday meetings, or if you cannot attend on Mondays this is a great alternative.
  3. Access to the Closed LinkedIn Group: As part of the membership you also get access to the closed LinkedIn group where the members support and help each other, as well as ask for feedback.
  4. Network with others in similar circumstances: Last but not least, the opportunity to network with others in the same situation as you. People who are looking for new opportunities in Denmark, either in the form of a new job or to expand their career. There is amazing value in speaking and connecting with people who know exactly how you feel in the situation you are in.


Career Network Denmark Elevate is not for you if…

  • You are looking for advice on VISAs and work permits – if this is the case I encourage you to start your search on this site.  
  • Do not hold an academic education or have the experience that would be equivalent to someone who does. 
  • Are not open to meeting new people and helping them as you get help from the network yourself

If you however would like to:

  • Get to know more about the Danish job market & Danish culture
  • Learn about Coffee Meetings
  • Learn about how to use LinkedIn to your advantage
  • Learn how to create material that is more likely to get you interviews
  • Meet new people and expand your network (Network is one of the most important things when applying for jobs in Denmark)

Then join Career Network Denmark Elevate to start building your Career and Network in Denmark!

Ongoing Membership – Continuous Growth and Networking

Career Network Denmark isn’t just a one-time resource; it’s an ongoing community dedicated to your continuous growth and networking opportunities. For a monthly subscription fee, you get uninterrupted access to our community, network and meetings.

Who is your facilitator

Your facilitator in Career Network Denmark is Diana Lund Nordstrøm. She has worked with job & career guidance for 8+ years and now focuses on helping Expats in Denmark with their job search and career. Among other places at Danmarks biggest job site Jobindex and at The University of Copenhagen. 

Diana holds a Master’s degree in Business, Branding & Communications on top of her Bachelor’s degree in Business and Service Management.

She is interested in helping people reach their goals and has supported her education with coaching and hypnosis courses, as well as being certified in the TT38 Talent Test. 

Diana is also an Author, Speaker, YouTuber, and Podcast host.

Join now!

Embark on your journey to your next job, and a fulfilling career in Denmark. With the right guidance, network, and tools, your dream job is just around the corner.

Casual, yet value-packed. That’s the Career Network Denmark for you.


When I join Career Network Denmark what do I commit to in terms of time use?

  • You get access to a closed LinkedIn group where you can ask questions and interact with other members – You choose how often you want to be in there.
  • On Mondays at 19.30, there will be a live session for networking and Q&A – I highly encourage you to join these.
  • Once a month there will be a weekend Q&A and networking session 

You join when it makes sense for you, but the more you join the live sessions the more value you will get from the network.

Is the network only about job search?

No the idea with the network is to build a valuable network, where there is a mix of people who are looking for jobs, and people who have a job and are looking to develop their career. We are creating a great network of people who want to help each other whether you are looking for a new job or to develop in the one you have right now.


Is this network only for a specific gender?

No, I believe that we can gain a lot from different perspectives, this also goes across the gender line, which is why everyone is welcome in Career Network Denmark.


What is the cost for me to join?

This depends on when you are joining Career Network Denmakr – The prices rises with time.


How long do I commit to when signing up?

You are always free to cancel your membership. You sign up one month at a time.

If you do cancel your membership and decide to join again at a later point, the price might not be the same.