Welcome to Job & Career on careerconsultant.dk

Thank you for visiting my new site. I really appreciate it. 

My goal for this site is to give you all the best job search and career advice I can. 

Feel free to also visit my new YouTube channel, Job & Career in Denmark. 

My Background & Story

My name is Diana Lund Nordstrøm and I am working as a career consultant. I have been working in this area for more than 7 years.

In 2014 I graduated with a master’s degree in Branding and communication but did not know what I wanted to do with it. I had a really hard time figuring out how I could use what I learned studying combined with my other interests and the goal of working with helping others.

In 2015 I started my podcast about academic job search (in Danish) because I could not find one to listen to that was aimed at the Danish job market at that time. This choice was, without me knowing it at the time also a career choice. 

As I spoke to more and. more amazing people about what to do, I learned so much and found the work so interesting. To be honest, I think I might have focused a little too much on the podcast and the learning, and no as much on actually applying for jobs myself. 

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What I did learn from this, other than actually getting a job, was that we get our competencies from a lot of places, not just our jobs and our educations. Also all of the interesting and fun projects we jump into for our own fun and learning. We can actually use these to apply for our next job.

With this in mind, I always have had projects besides my job. I do encourage you to do the same, whether you are unemployed or have a position you just want to change out of. Having some project or hobby that makes you happy and where maybe you learn something useful along the way is amazing. 

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